A Word with the General Manager: What Makes Off The Wall Theater Special

Kim Crawford - General Manager
Kim loves Off the Wall Theater because the plays challenge the audience’s perspective on life.  If you’re looking for Pollyanna, this might not be the theater for you.  But if you want to explore life, embrace its challenges, and gain new perspectives, then you won’t be disappointed.  Each play focuses on a different life obstacle, ranging from a family member with Alzheimer’s to a woman making it in a man’s world to the challenges within a Lesbian relationship. In the upcoming production, The Zero Hour, which runs from October 25th to November 9th, the playwright explores the impact to a lesbian relationship when one partner wants to continue to hide the relationship.

As General Manager, Kim will be using her expertise to coordinate her team to ensure all the nuances of lighting, sound and stage presence are seamlessly controlled before and during the production so you can immerse yourself in the surroundings and forget about your day-to-day trials and tribulations.  The theater is a time to relax, take in new experiences, broaden your views, and ultimately, to learn to better relate to the world around you.  Off The Wall Theater in Pittsburgh is a rare gem, one that will leave you thinking well beyond the end of the play.  Purchase tickets here.


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