Ghosts March 2015
Decades ago, the television was quickly nicknamed “The Boob Tube” for its power to draw people into a viewing stupor. And it continues to do so today. How often do you flip through the channels looking for an interesting show? Does this sound familiar: “There’s nothing good on TV”? It doesn’t seem to matter how many channels there are, sometimes you just want more. So why sit there and watch mindless TV when you can come to our theater and stimulate your senses and challenge your mind?

At off the WALL, we don’t mind tackling topics that some may consider controversial or that are at the heart of challenges faced by many in our society. What we do mind — and what you won’t find on our stage as part of our theater productions– are mindless plays about mindless topics. Our audiences deserve better. We strive not only give you something to talk about, but to think about. To REALLY THINK about, that evening, the next day and maybe even the next.

off the Wall’s professional actors serve up thought-provoking material with the greatest of skill, challenging the senses of each audience member. If you’re looking for an evening of mindless entertainment, off the WALL might not be the venue for you.  But if you’re looking for more than TV has to offer, the next time someone asks you “What do you want to watch on TV tonight?” you might want to respond with…

“Hey, let’s dare to be different and try something new.  Let’s catch a show at off the WALL Theater.”

To learn more about our theater just outside downtown Pittsburgh and for sneak peek at our upcoming season, click here.


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