Fact:Across the world, women remain underrepresented in theatre. A recap of a previous blog tells us that, as recent as 2014, women represent only 17% of all playwrights.

As with most ingrained cultural practices, change doesn’t come easily. Achieving true gender parity will require a concerted effort across the entire theatre universe. Rita Anderson, an award-winning Texas playwright, in a recent article posted on recommends a push from the theatre world to achieve “50/50 by 2020.”

Martha Richards, in an article for American Theater, shared a series of steps that she believes will help to eliminate the “parody of gender parity,” that poor imitation of equality. She outlines the following:

Build alliances with other social justice groups.
Work with women in other art forms.
Teach and produce plays by women.
Work with the unions to help prevent unfair labor practices.
Educate political candidates about the need to increase arts funding.
off the WALL Theater is committed to creating a model of parity in theater.  In fact, we were one of only 67 theaters world to be the recipient of the prestigious ICWP 2014 50/50 Applause Awards! The ICWP reviews nominations and recognizes theaters that produce 50% or more of women playwrights in their season.

off the WALL Performing Arts Center | a Pittsburgh Theater
25 West Main, Carnegie, PA 15106 | 6 miles from downtown Pittsburgh


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