Do you remember the last good book you read… that really good book? Think about what happened when you closed the cover for the final time. How did you feel? Were you a bit sad, your time with those characters just came to an end. No longer would you delve into the depths of their soul. If you like to read, you may have read books that have left you with any of the following thoughts or feelings: UPLIFTED Feeling like you can take on the world, happy for the characters, feeling good about what’s going on in a certain area or even within the world. AWARE In awe that such a terrific or horrific action could take place, whether from an individual, team, workplace, or even from within an entire culture or country. EDUCATED Able to at least in part, understand what others may be experiencing and having a level of empathy, even if you yourself have never experienced that situation, (we’re talking about great books here, not how-to books) TORN You may ask yourself “did that really...