Carnegie - Pittsburgh Theater - Plumbing

What were we thinking? We had planned on building a theater, excavating for dinosaur bones was not in the cards. We had perfectly nice bathrooms that served dozens of office employees well.  Here we are, after applying for permits and following ADA requirements. Total demolition and a complete re-build to make all bathrooms accessible. Here is the plan (very European), we will charge our audience to use the bathrooms.
Let's say we sell 3,500 tickets per season (please help us to do this) and 50% of the audience uses the bathroom,  and we charge $ 1 per flush, it will take us 14 years to break even.
Theaters have been known to sell chairs to their audience members, how about buying a toilet stall?
$ 5,000 will get you a plaque with your name on a stall of your choice!


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