What if?

What if? Do you ever worry about what might happen in any given situation? It’s ok… we’re not
asking you to share your thoughts out loud, but if we’re honest with ourselves, every single one of us has probably fretted over ‘what if’ at least once in our lives. And with all the decisions in life, ranging from dating and finding a partner, deciding where to live, work and to what level of education to attain, not to mention readying ourselves for different stages of life – including raising a family, wondering about job security, aging parents and even vacation homes, in our fast paced lives where choices are as abundant as outcomes, some of us may even be in a perpetual state of ‘what if.’

With over 7 billion people on our earth, ‘what if’ just might be one of the most common questions asked across the globe. So you can imagine why Lily and Sam, an upwardly mobile couple making their way in New York City, have a lot of ‘what if’ questions when they unexpectantly find out they’re… well – expecting! In their 20’s, they’re not ready for this. Sam, finishing a higher degree and already inundated with massive student loans, wonders ‘what if’ we can’t manage finances.

Lily calms Sam and his fears, but then experiences her own ‘what ifs.’ What if there is something wrong with the child? What if their baby is like her older sister – Sarah? Sarah has functional autism. She can manage a job, but certain day-to-day activities can be unbearable for her. What if, like Sarah, their baby cannot stand to be held or touched? What if she can’t handle having a baby? And most unsettling of all, what if Lily can’t love her child?

This touching story does represent autism, but it also represents the challenges we all experience – how we address our own fears, how we answer our own ‘what ifs,’ and whether we allow our ‘what ifs’ to spiral out of control.


Performances: December 4-5, 10-12, and 16-19 @ 8:00 PM
Matinee on December 6 and 13 at 3 PM

Written by: Laura Brienza
Directed by: Ingrid Sonnichsen

Featuring: Erika Cuenca*, Sarah Silk*, Shaun Cameron Hall*

25 West Main, Carnegie, PA 15106 | 6 miles from downtown Pittsburgh


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