And Baby Makes Seven - post mortem

If you missed Baby click the video for a few funny moments during rehearsal and check below for critics reviews.

" I've never heard an audience at Off the Wall laugh more raucously or with more frequency than they did last Friday, at the play and at the finesse and versatility that were obvious in the performances given by Robyne Parrish, Tressa Glover and Tony Bingham." Observer - Reporter

"The cast is brilliant with pitch-perfect comic timing. But it is Glover who gives the tour-de-force performance of the show." Pittsburgh Theater Today

"Off The Wall Productions again lives up to its name, offering a play which clambers and crawls over provocative space, defying conventions, prodding us to ponder what's inside." Pittsburgh City Paper

" High Strung Menage a Trois Makes Myriad of Mirthful Moments...Washington's Off The Wall Theater comes up with yet another delightful way to spend the evening."
Pittsburgh OWL Scribe


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