Observations of a Theater Aficionado contributed by Gary E Stout, Esq.

I have always enjoyed the theater. I never watch a movie or read a book twice. A rerun on television gives me the chance to try something new. But I look forward to seeing a play I know well, reinterpreted and brought alive with a different director and cast. The intimacy of the theater, especially in a small venue, is my favorite form of entertainment. When I can see the spittle, smell the cigarette, hear the footsteps and feel the emotions unfold before me, I am part of the experience.

I have had the pleasure of introducing my second wife to the theater over these past six years. We read the critics and synopsis of the plays, on the way to the Shaw and Shakespeare festivals in Canada. We look for a new play when traveling, especially New York, San Francisco and Toronto. We subscribe to The Pittsburgh Public and try to never miss an August Wilson production.

Now we have our own local theater to support and enjoy. On the Main Street of Washington, PA, in a city trying to remain viable and reinvent itself, a converted Moose Hall has become Off The Wall Theater. On a theater night the lights blaze, patrons have dinner in the city and stop at the Union Grill, Washington Hotel, or Eat and Park after the production to discuss the show. Miracle of Miracles, Pittsburghers make the drive South to see what the cutting edge plays and good reviews are all about.

We are proud to know the owners, Virginia and Hans Grunert. Their commitment, both financially and in hours, goes well beyond a hobby or project. For them, theater in Washington is a new vocation. The venue, professional actors and productions are first rate. Such vision and attention to detail deserve to be experienced and rewarded.

Off The Wall Theater is at a crossroads. It is difficult to institutionalize an experiment such as this. If it is to flourish beyond a footnote or curiosity, it must receive broader support from the community, the arts establishment and the foundations. Recognition from one source will foster attention from the others. The dream will live on as a regular addition to the theater culture of Southwestern Pennsylvania.


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