The Little Dog Laughed - Comment

I was pleasantly surprised and pleased by Off the Wall's production values and choice of material. I just attended the opening night of THE LITTLE DOG LAUGHED and loved the play - it plays a lot better than it reads, and I'd never seen it before. Good choice - and risky material for Washington!

For one thing - it's again an actor-centric piece. Small set, not a complex technical production - simply actors doing great roles. Which is still what I think theater is about, and something to which your theater has made a real commitment. So few theaters today have the freedom, (both economic and from their Boards) to choose material that depend on actors doing exciting work. More often season choices are made in order to entice audiences away from their television sets. Your selections seem focused on enticing actors to work in a small theater, in Washington, for not a lot of money - in order to do roles that 'they've always wanted to do'. Thank you!!!

Ingrid Sonnichsen


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