The Message is Real… True… Deep

Straightening Combs takes you along on a journey of growing up in the Hill District through the eyes of a young, African American female. It is written by and based on the life of Kim El.  It is a powerful story about beauty and self-image.

The message to all is very simple, yet simultaneously complicated:  

Beauty is not only on the outside, true beauty is also on the inside.  

Kim El and Nia Washington -
Photo by Heather Mull
But what happens when young girls are told that their features aren’t beautiful? 

What happens when mothers try to change the appearance of their daughters because that’s what their mothers did… because that’s what their mothers did? 

What happens when a young girl hears that everyone in her neighborhood is ‘bad’? 
What happens when one’s self-esteem is shattered from every angle?  

The beauty is still there.  If anything, there is more beauty.  One only needs to realize and accept this beauty. This is a message and story many young girls and mothers, regardless of background, will benefit from to learn, understand and take to heart.

Join us January 31st or February 1st or 2nd. Click here to learn more or to purchase tickets.
Off The Wall Theater - a small, intimate Pittsburgh Theater only 6 miles from downtown.


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