This Door Will Open For You 9-22-12 at 12.00 noon - OPEN HOUSE

FREE EVENT!  Join us for an OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, September 22nd from 12 noon until 3:30, and help us celebrate our move to Carnegie!
Off The Wall now resides in a newly-constructed theater space in the heart of downtown Carnegie (25 W. Main Street), surrounded by bars, restaurants, and ample parking. We’ll be offering special promotional deals, ticket raffles, restaurant coupons, live entertainment and more. Experience the "new" Off The Wall Theater!
Off The Wall is extremely proud to celebrate the opening of our sixth season this fall at our new location. In keeping with our newly enhanced mission statement, the entire 2012-13 season will consist of plays never before staged in the Pittsburgh region (three of which have yet to be published, one a world premiere), and our focus will be on supporting the work of the enormously talented female artists in our area – playwrights, directors, and actors.
Hope to see you on September 22nd!


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