Agnes of God (commentary)

Dear Mr & Mrs Gruenert,

Agnes of God is in keeping with your apparent bigotry against Catholics, religion and family life. Ever since Agnes hit the stage, Catholics (and those who put the play on) have known of its harshly negative and unfair view of Catholicism. I wouldn’t be surprised if you followed this up with Sister Mary Ignatius Explains it All for You or Bare. Mercy Seat may not be as bad in relation to its attack on religion, but this Mormon artist certainly makes up for it in his use of the profane talk of his characters.

I’m looking forward to you performing something that treats Gays, Women or Muslims in the same ugly light. But I won’t hold my breath too long. Liberals rarely display that kind of intellectual integrity; they preach that we should be tolerant, peaceful and compassionate, yet they themselves spew the most bigoted, hateful and insensitive things. You seem to think, like a spoiled teenager, that to be “grown up” means that you have to be crass, vulgar, and sexually explicit.

When I heard there was going to be a theatre in Washington, I was hopeful that there would be offerings I could attend for the sheer love of the theatre, but I have yet to see that. I’ve heard that the performances are very well done and the acting is fairly good, but as with most “modern” art, you’d rather go for the sophomoric shock than something that expresses emotion, truth and beauty in a professional and entertaining way. I performed in high school and college in both drama and musicals. It’s a shame that your view is so narrow and parochial that you can’t get beyond your Manhattan mentality and realize there are a lot of us out here in the real world who would much rather be entertained than insulted.

Don Ross
Washington, PA 10-06-09


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