The Zero Hour: Don’t Miss this Rare Opportunity!

“It’s not often that we get a Holocaust themed play in Carnegie. I am probably understating the obvious; we probably have never had a Holocaust themed play in Carnegie!” 
Erika Cuenca and Daina Michelle Griffith – Photo by Heather Mull
That’s what Rick D’Loss of the The Carnegie Shul had to say about The Zero Hour.  But that’s not all Rick had to say.  Rick delved into the intricacies of the play, the struggles of how to make the Holocaust relevant to 7th graders, especially given that the writer is both a Jew and homosexual, and the challenges of describing the enormity of it all.

Rick does a wonderful job capturing the essence of the play: the intertwining of living a lie, the tension that comes with living a lie and the resulting complications when he states  “I especially liked the intertwining of the “living a lie” theme as Rebecca describes a “closet” Jew living with false papers in Berlin, while Rebecca herself is hiding her true life from her mother.”   Rick goes on to praise the script, the acting, the set, and the cast and crew.  For an excellent primer before coming to see the play, click here for Rick’s full blog.

The Zero Hour, by Madeleine George, is by some standards a controversial play.  The theme weaves between a lesbian relationship and the Holocaust.  Honesty is at the center of it all, and Ms. George beautifully brings it all together as a love story.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity! 

The Zero Hour’s final nights are this Thursday, Friday & Saturday (November 7-9).  You likely won’t have another opportunity to enjoy an evening at a small intimate theater with two of Pittsburgh’s finest female actors, Erika Cuenca and Daina Michelle Griffith, directed by the brilliant Robyne Parrish (currently Artistic Director at the Gilbert Theater, Fayetteville, NC).  The Off the Wall Theater is only 6 miles from downtown Pittsburgh.  Come early and enjoy the Carnegie Coffee Company's Coffee Bar.  Click here to order tickets.


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