
Showing posts from November, 2016

Lungs - a play

Lungs   by Duncan Macmillan Performances:  Performances:  Dec. 2–3, 8–10, 15–17  @ 8:00 pm,  Matinee Dec. 4 & 11, 2016  @ 3:00 pm Dec. 2–3, 8–10, 15–17   p m A play by British playwright Duncan MacMillan. Directed by Spencer Whale With: Sarah Silk & Alec Silberblatt A bare stage, no scenery, no furniture, no props, no costume changes but infinite possibilities. LUNGS is a smart and funny drama that follows a couple through the surprising lifecycle of their relationship, as they grapple with questions of family and change, hope, betrayal, happenstance, and the terrible pain that you can only cause the people you love. "Duncan Macmillan's distinctive, off-kilter love story is brutally honest, funny, edgy and current. It gives voice to a generation for whom uncertainty is a way of life through two flawed, but deeply human, people who you don't always like but start to feel you might love." ...